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برای استفاده از امكانات سیستم لطفا آدرس ایمیل و رمز عبور خود را وارد كنید
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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions
A- Introduction

GodMailer.com , is a system for sending bulletins and newsletters. The services of this system are only given to registered members with known and definite identities. Scope of activities of this system is based on and complied with international rules and regulations and the obligations legislated for digital marketing including Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM Act of 2003) approved in the USA which specifies the activities of Mass Emailers. The mentioned Act has been a reference for all global well known companies including Yahoo and Google whose Spam and Bulk automatic algorithms work based on it. According to this Act, Mass Emailers are allowed to send unwanted emails as long as they are complied with three below obligations:
  • Obligations to be able to cancel subscri‌ption / deleting email from the list
    • Having an effective mechanism should be existed for receiver to del‌ete his email address from the list of sender
    • Deleting the email address with ten days after receiving the demand to cancel subscri‌ption
    • The deleted email addresses can only be used for correspondence considering the complaints
  • Contextual Obligations
    • Using a standard format for all addressees
    • Conceptual relations between the subject and the content of emails
    • Insertion of the sender's physical and postal address in the email context
  • Sending Obligations
    • The email should not be sent because of the security weakness of ISPs
    • The email should not be sent to the addresses collected at random
    • The email should not use wrong digital specifications and identities in its header
GodMailer.com, as a bulletin sending system, follows the below regulations for its addressees and members based on the afore-mentioned Act and Islamic Republic of Iran rules and regulations:
B- Defintions
  • Member is a person who has announced his/ her real identity, address, and fixed telephone and has also paid his/ her membership fee to be allowed to use the services provided by GodMailer.com.
  • Addressee is a person whose email was inserted in the list of the emails provided by a member and can receive the bulletin sent by GodMailer.com.
C - General Regulations for Members:
  • Considering the principle of respecting the addressee's demand, members are committed to follow up the addressee's demand for cancellation of their subscri‌ption and deleting his/ her emails in a due limited period and prevent advertising emails to its addressee after this period has lapsed.
  • Members are committed to protect their user names and passwords and prevent the access of unqualified people from them. Naturally, the main subscriber will be responsible for the content of the emails sent to addressees and no excuse will be accepted in this regard.
  • Members are obliged to del‌ete the wrong and inaccessible emails from their email list as soon as possible.
  • Members are committed to stop sending the same bulletin repeatedly for a group of their email list.
  • Members are committed to choose the subject of the email in compliance with the content of the bulletin.
  • Members are committed to keep the content and interpretation of the emails within the legal activities and avoid keeping and distributing any information, data or subject in contrast to international and Islamic Republic rules and regulations, or whatever facilitates violation of laws directly. They include but not restricted to the following cases: infringing copyright,  using brands without official permission, business secrets or other moral ownership rights, matters which are legally and conventionally lurid, immoral and nefarious, pornography of any kind, illegal threats, matters which are violent or encourage violence, insulting real persons or organizations or telling lies against the others, using the bulletin in order to deceive and abuse visitors, sending destructive codes and malicious malwares, advertising softwares which are harmful, destroy data or can be used to hack the other software systems, etc.
If a member violates regulations, depending on the violation GodMailer.com is allowed to suspend the subscri‌ption of the member with or without advance notice and the member has no right to object.
D - Commitments of GodMailer.com
  • GodMailer.com is committed to protect the privacy of its members and addressees, and their information will not be offered to any organization or institute. In this respect, since GodMailer.com is subject to the rules and the regulations of Islamic Republic of Iran, it is responsive to judiciary bodies against official writ.
  • GodMailer.com is the secret-keeper of its members and addressees and under any terms and conditions is committed not to provide other members or people and institutions outside the website domain with the email list of any of its members.
  • GodMailer.com is to keep the best conditions for the site by supplying suitable hardware and permanent support of the site functionality and operation.
  • GodMailer.com is committed to exert necessary arrangements in order to prevent hackers or other people from penetration into and destruction of the members' data and information.
E -The following cases are not included in the commitments of GodMailer.com:
  • Each site user has an independent identity and email list. Therefore, omitting an email address from the email list of a member does not mean that another member will not send email to that email address.
  • The sender has the sole and direct responsibility about the content of his / her email. GodMailer.com has given permission of the activity to the member supposing he / she will follow rules and regulations. If there is a problem in the content of an email, the addressee / receiver can forward the same email to abuse [at] GodMailer [dot] com in order to look into the case. The complaints will be considered within 10 working days from the date of reception.
  • GodMailer.com has no responsibility about users' email addresses transfered from other sources to to database on this website.
  • Failure in reception of emails caused by any problems in addressees' mail account or his/her ISP or mail server, such as inactive accounts or full mailboxes or mail server dns problems, etc, is not included in the commitments of GodMailer.com.
  • The software and hardware problems caused by technical deficit of ISP, internet connection and software or hardware equipments enroute, are not included in the commitments of GodMailer.com.
  • Temporary problems caused by maintenance and upgrading the site server, restarts caused by operating system, and temporary pauses in the activities of the site caused by upgrading software of the site, with or without prior announcement, are not included in the commitments of GodMailer.com.
  • Any problems in the communication caused by technical faults in domestic and international communication lines are not included in the commitments of GodMailer.com.
  • If force majeure conditions happen for the hardware of the ISP of this website or the relevant communication lines, GodMailer.com will try its best to remove the problem and return the system back to normal condition. However, the process may take time. Naturally, in these conditions, the same time wasted from the members' subscri‌ption will be added to the membership period.
  • GodMailer.com will not accept any responsibilities in the conditions of force majeure caused by natural disasters, war, riot, public disturbances, general incidence, earthquakes, strikes, fire, flood, explosion, lack of labor force, accidences, seizure, governmental limitations and international embargo. However, we use all our efforts to minimize and decrease the negative effects of any case of force majeure.
  • Service charges and tariffs of GodMailer.com may change without prior notice. The change will not be charge for past and current subscribers but will be included in the future invoices.
If required, GodMailer.com is allowed to change the content of the above regulations while taking the benefits of the members and addressees into its consideration.

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